

Cutting carbon from industry

How can the world cut carbon from some of its biggest industries, helping to limit global warming to 1.5°C, the more ambitious climate goal of the UN Paris Agreement? Explore lower-carbon ways to produce the cement, steel and chemicals that help build the modern world.

Person showing a chunk of cement


Close up of steel cutlery


Close up of steel cutlery



Cement... it’s all around us. But producing it generates a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions every year. So, what can be done to help cut carbon from the cement-making process?

Meet Per and Cristel who are working to reduce emissions from a cement plant in Norway by capturing CO2 and storing it safely below the Earth’s surface.

Want to know more about cutting carbon from cement and why industry emissions are important to governments?

The Energy Podcast’s Julia Streets puts hard questions to leading experts. Featuring Kristin Myskja, Director General of the Climate, Industry and Technology Department at the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, and Audny van Helden, VP Energy Marketing, Sectors and Decarbonisation, Shell.

1.5°C and… cement


Steel. It’s strong. It’s all around us. And it’s supporting developing economies. But its production generates a lot of carbon emissions. What’s the answer?

Discover how in the Omani desert one company is tapping into the power of the sun. Meet Mr Ali and Mr Lobo.

Producing steel is a complex process.

If you’re wondering how carbon emissions could be reduced from start to finish, listen to these experts. Featuring Professor Leora Dresselhaus-Marais from Stanford University and Lene Hviid from Shell’s metals division.

1.5°C and… steel


From t-shirts and trousers, medicines and mattresses, to cars and computers, phones and TVs, many people’s daily lives rely on products made from chemicals. The challenge is that, the chemicals industry emits a lot of CO2 emissions.

Chemicals are found in countless aspects of people’s daily lives.

What more can be done to cut carbon and reduce waste from the chemicals industry? For answers to this and more have a listen to this episode of the Energy Podcast. Featuring Peter Goult from Systemiq, Naoko Ishii from the University of Tokyo and Robin Mooldijk from Shell.

1.5°C and… chemicals