Datapoints for the Netherlands are 2022 figures. Other countries are 2019 figures. The accuracy of the data may be lower than that of data obtained through Shell financial systems.
All data marked 1 is from Shell internal sources. All data marked 2 is from analysis conducted by Oxford Economics
3 Detailed definition in Methodology . Tax Contribution Report
Shell plc (or its subsidiaries) commissioned Oxford Economics to conduct socio-economic impact analysis.
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Oxford Economics have performed input-output modelling along with Shell data to demonstrate Shell's wider socio-economic impacts. Datapoints developed for Shell by Oxford Economics are; Shell's contribution to GDP ($USD and local currency); GDP supported by Shell business activities (%); jobs supported by Shell activities,1 in every Y jobs in country; every Shell job supports X in the local economy.
All other data is from Shell internal sources. More information about how this data was developed is available here
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